Wednesday 7 December 2011

World Traveler!

Hey Amelia,

We just got back from a great trip to Australia and you were such a good traveler! We were worried that at some point on the 22 hour trip there you would've had a hard time, cried or a meltdown but you did so well.

You were also so great for Grandma and Grandpa Ngai, they loved you and spoiled you rotten. You loved going to the zoo, Disneyland (in Hong Kong), aquarium and especially the beach. You were scared of the waves at first, but then you loved them, you loved it when they came on the shore and would chase you. You squealed and would race back. It was really cute.

It's a long way to travel to Australia, but you did a fantastic job!

Friday 4 November 2011

So cute!

Amelia, today you're being so darn cute. Sometimes I just look at you and wonder if it's possible to love you even more than I do. Just when I think my heart is full to the brim with love for you, you do something absolutely adorable that makes me realize exactly what the term 'unconditional love' means.

Today we were coloring. We sat at your little table and I was attempting to color different 'scenes'. One of those was a castle. You wanted me to draw a horse, and I'm not exactly a great artist, so I started trying to draw a horse. You looked at it and said 'baa baa...sheep'! You were so proud that you'd recognized my sheep. So I pretended that's what I was going for all the time. Then I tried another horse. This one looked more horse-like, I know this because you looked over from your drawing and gave me an appreciative 'neigh'. Then I drew a knight (stick figure...of course). You thought that was great. And then you started chattering on and on and I could only catch the words 'sheep' and 'horse'.

Normally I can understand 95% of what you say, but when you get going, sometimes I'm completely lost. But it was obvious you were making up a story about the sheep and horse and castle and you went on and on with such great inflection. You were dead serious explaining it to me and I wish I knew what some of those things you said were.

I love you so much! You're so charming and adorable. It almost makes up for the times when you're not so charming and adorable (okay it totally does).

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Trick or Treat!

Last night we met up with a group from church and went trick or treating! You were so cute. You were dressed up as Minnie Mouse...kind of. You refused to wear the ears and so you basically had a princess type dress on, with a picture of Minnie on it. You still looked adorable!

As usual the streets around SJW were busy, busy. This is the first year you've actually, kind of understood the concept of saying 'trick or treat' and getting candy in return. You didn't like when the doorways were crowded. One house we went to, there happened to be a lull and you were the only one there. You very cutely said 'trick or treat' as only a young adorable child can, and then when they gave you the candy you said 'thank you' just as cutely. They were so entranced, they gave you a second piece of candy...just because you were so darn cute.

You kind of had a meltdown about an hour after we started. A culmination of daylight savings, not wanting to hold hands even when there were cars around, and wanting to eat candy. So we headed home.

Later we found out that Paul McCartney was at his daughter's house on the street next to the one we were on, and he was sitting on the porch and handing out candy. Darn it! That would've been something cool to mark the holiday. At least we hit up Ewan McGregor's house again. Though he wasn't there again...

Anyway, I'm guessing next year you will have a strong opinion as to what you want to wear. I can't wait!

Sunday 30 October 2011

Mr. Bean

Last night you requested a DVD that we've had for a year, but still never watched. It was a dvd of some episodes of Mr. Bean. You'd seen Bean on telly a few times when it aired in reruns, but it was never something we (your dad and I) thought you'd be interested in watching. Well last night you insisted, so we put it on and had a spontaneous family movie night.

You loved it! Granted, you're only 2.5, you don't get why the things Bean does are funny, but you watched it, totally enraptured. And when Dad and I laughed, you would too. You would repeat 'Oh Bean!' when he did something funny. Just like Dad and I would say.

This morning when I heard you were awake, I went in to get you up. You were just laying in your bed and you smiled at me when I came in (which is rare, usually you cry for Daddy) you looked up at me and said "More Bean?"

I don't think I've ever been more proud of you in your life. Your sense of humor is well on its way!

Thursday 20 October 2011


Oh Amelia! How clever you are! You are so 2 right now, you will throw huge temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. But it's not enough to just throw the fit, you need an audience to witness it! Recently you dragged me into the kitchen and pointed to the food cupboard and requested 'choco chips' I told you 'no', but that you could have some Cheerios instead (you call them 'chew chews'). You immediately threw yourself onto the ground and pitched the biggest fit of all time. You kept wailing and pointing to the cupboard screaming for choco chips. I decided the best way to deal with it was to leave you at it, so I went into the living room. As I turned to leave, you got even more upset and started yelling 'Mummy there! Mummy there!', I said that I was going to go into the living room as long as you were misbehaving.

So I went into the living room and sat down, you kept crying in the kitchen. Eventually you came into the living room, shoulders again ordered me to go back into the kitchen to give you some choco chips. I offered you juice instead. You cried and carried on for a bit longer...but I just turned my head (I knew you wanted the attention). Eventually you settled down and tearfully said 'chew chews?'

I felt like the world's best parent as I graciously stood up to take you back into the kitchen to get you your chew chews, as soon as we stepped into the kitchen, you pointed to the food cupboard (not where we keep the cheerios) and said 'choco chips?' Of course I said 'no' and of course you had another fall down fit.

I still don't know whether to be impressed that you were clever enough to lure me into the kitchen like that, or scared because your mind is thinking that way and you're only two!

Even when throwing huge temper tantrums, you're still the world's cutest kid.

Oh, and eventually you settled down and we compromised on juice. ;)

Monday 5 September 2011


Hi Amelia,

Boy, it's been far, far too long since I've written on here. I'm so sorry. I'll try to do better. Life has been great and busy. You're very much acting like the 2 year old you are. You are learning to get what you want by throwing temper tantrums if you don't get your own way, your favorite thing to eat right now is 'Daddy Chips' which are any yummy potato chips in a small packet. Daddy usually brings home a bag every day that he gets from work. You love Daddy Chips and they're your favorite reward for doing jobs.

You're talking sooooo much! I can't believe the sentences that you are able to say, you also love singing, your favorite songs are "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "The Wheels on the Bus" you can often be found singing and dancing in the living room at the top of your lungs. You love to dance. You're so cute when you do it. You love music, and you love to dance.

Finally you're getting better about being in nursery at church. You still start crying at the closing hymn of Sacrament meeting and will continue until we get to nursery. Your favorite person in nursery is Pasita, a wonderful Filipino woman who is so great with you. You tend to cry until I leave and then apparently you're as happy as a clam. You always eat a good snack, you play with other kids and you dance every time they have singing time.

We go to the park as often as we can. It's been a very chilly summer. You still don't love playing with other kids. Anytime any other child comes near you, you get worried and run away. I really hope this is something you grow out of. Life can be so much fun when you have friends to play with. You're always very clingy to me at the park, or the store or anywhere you go. While I do love that you love me, it would be nice to see you get a little more independence. You're just a little shy, and there's nothing wrong with that.

We're planning on a big trip to Australia to see Grandma and Grandpa Ngai. Your dad and I are worried about the long, long flight with you. But hopefully we'll pack enough treats and toys to keep you happy. I'm very excited for your grandparents to see you. Grandpa Ngai hasn't seen you since you were 4 months old! We Skype with them every Saturday, but that just isn't the same. You love airplanes now, and you're always spotting them in the sky, so I think you'll love going on a big one. You've been on them before, but you didn't seem to notice them as much.

You still love books. You love to sit on mommy's "bap"(lap) and read book after book. You still love animals. Iggle Piggle is still your favorite stuffed animal, and your love for Minnie Mouse and co knows no bounds. You're starting to get picky about what clothes you wear and you almost always without fail choose to wear one of your three Minnie Mouse shirts. Though you are pretty good about wearing something else if Minnie is in the wash.

Mia you bring so much joy into Dad and my life, we love you so much. I'll be better about updating this, because you're so special, I don't want to let another moment go by unrecorded!


Monday 3 January 2011

Year in Review...

Here's a summary of what we did this are the highlights.

You and I traveled to four countries this year. We went to Italy, right after your birthday in May. We loved that trip. We then went to Denmark in August, which wasn't as much fun as Italy, but still great fun (even if it did rain). You and I traveled to the US to see your grandparents and cousins (poor Dad had to stay behind and work) and that was so much fun, except you got sick and threw up for the first time in your life. Not fun. You haven't thrown up since then! And then for our last country, we went to Disneyland Paris with Grandma Ngai and Uncle Robin. You loved it. You went crazy for Minnie Mouse and loved going on the carousel.

This year was a big one for you, because you learned to walk! That's a pretty big accomplishment. You started pulling yourself up when you were about 7 months old, and took your first steps at 10 months. You're a very early developer.

We also moved flats this year. We moved from Abbey Road just a few blocks away to Eamont Court. We miss having a cool address, but this flat is much bigger and more suited for you. You love to roam around the entire place and you have your own bedroom here.

This year you also started talking. You now can put some words together, though you still get very frustrated when we don't exactly understand what you're saying. You'll talk to us so seriously in your baby chatter and we can only pick out a couple of words. We're working on it though. You also understand so much. I can't believe you're growing up so fast.

This year we also had cousin Eugenia stay with us. She's from Hong Kong and came to look for a job. She's still in London and we like to have her come over for dinner every now and then. Grandma N and Uncle Robin also stayed with us while they were here.

This year you also celebrated your first birthday. It was mine and your dad's first time throwing a proper kid party. We decided that we'd go with the theme of the 'Very Hungry Caterpillar' you love reading that book. It involved cupcakes and some of the food from the book. We also had your good friends Isabel and Oliver Phillips come and spend the party with you. Their mom and dad Lindsey and Alan also came. We also invited Tyra, Rob and Alex Beard. They'd just moved into the ward and Alex is only a month older than you. Thao also came, but unfortunate Chau couldn't make it. It was a fun day. I also ran my first 5k that day. I trained for it every morning and wanted to help celebrate your birthday by running it. It was fun. You and dad came to Regents Park with me and cheered me on as I crossed the finish line.

You love wearing the medal I got (they gave them to everyone) and it was such a warm and sunny day. In fact, your birthday was almost perfect!

Overall we've just had fun living in London. We've eaten at Nando's several times. We visited the zoo several more times. We went to the park almost every day during the summer. You played with Izzy and Oliver very often. You especially loved playing in Swiss Cottage at the water play area, in the fountains. We also went to the library and played soccer in the park.

Overall, it was a very good year. We're so glad that you're getting old enough to understand things now. You've had a big year, and I think next year will be just as big. I wonder what adventures we'll have?

Saturday 1 January 2011


Well, Christmas is over and I think you had a pretty good one. You woke us up at around 8am (which was great...we love sleeping in) and I changed your diaper in your room, while Dad got the tree lights on and the camera ready.

When you came into the living room, you didn't quite know where to look first. You were used to seeing presents under the tree, so I don't think you noticed that there were more. However, you did notice your stocking, with your own can of pringles next to it. You absolutely loved that! You insisted that we open them right away (well you can't really talk yet, but you make a very persistent 'uh uh' type sound). So we did. We also opened some chocolate for you, you loved that all more than anything.

You also loved the stroller we got you for your baby doll/stuffed animals. And you got so excited when you saw Mickey. We had to get him, because you love 'Mimi' so much.

Santa brought you a big stuffed Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch and he also brought you a Little People's play set. You're not that interested in that. Aunt Bek sent you a pink play cell phone. You love playing with it and holding it to your ear and saying 'hello'.

You're just so much fun Mia. Your dad and I loved spending Christmas with you and letting you eat as many sweets as you want. You loved it too, even though it's been hard to get you to start eating apples and rice cakes again!

Merry Christmas sweet girl!