Monday 3 January 2011

Year in Review...

Here's a summary of what we did this are the highlights.

You and I traveled to four countries this year. We went to Italy, right after your birthday in May. We loved that trip. We then went to Denmark in August, which wasn't as much fun as Italy, but still great fun (even if it did rain). You and I traveled to the US to see your grandparents and cousins (poor Dad had to stay behind and work) and that was so much fun, except you got sick and threw up for the first time in your life. Not fun. You haven't thrown up since then! And then for our last country, we went to Disneyland Paris with Grandma Ngai and Uncle Robin. You loved it. You went crazy for Minnie Mouse and loved going on the carousel.

This year was a big one for you, because you learned to walk! That's a pretty big accomplishment. You started pulling yourself up when you were about 7 months old, and took your first steps at 10 months. You're a very early developer.

We also moved flats this year. We moved from Abbey Road just a few blocks away to Eamont Court. We miss having a cool address, but this flat is much bigger and more suited for you. You love to roam around the entire place and you have your own bedroom here.

This year you also started talking. You now can put some words together, though you still get very frustrated when we don't exactly understand what you're saying. You'll talk to us so seriously in your baby chatter and we can only pick out a couple of words. We're working on it though. You also understand so much. I can't believe you're growing up so fast.

This year we also had cousin Eugenia stay with us. She's from Hong Kong and came to look for a job. She's still in London and we like to have her come over for dinner every now and then. Grandma N and Uncle Robin also stayed with us while they were here.

This year you also celebrated your first birthday. It was mine and your dad's first time throwing a proper kid party. We decided that we'd go with the theme of the 'Very Hungry Caterpillar' you love reading that book. It involved cupcakes and some of the food from the book. We also had your good friends Isabel and Oliver Phillips come and spend the party with you. Their mom and dad Lindsey and Alan also came. We also invited Tyra, Rob and Alex Beard. They'd just moved into the ward and Alex is only a month older than you. Thao also came, but unfortunate Chau couldn't make it. It was a fun day. I also ran my first 5k that day. I trained for it every morning and wanted to help celebrate your birthday by running it. It was fun. You and dad came to Regents Park with me and cheered me on as I crossed the finish line.

You love wearing the medal I got (they gave them to everyone) and it was such a warm and sunny day. In fact, your birthday was almost perfect!

Overall we've just had fun living in London. We've eaten at Nando's several times. We visited the zoo several more times. We went to the park almost every day during the summer. You played with Izzy and Oliver very often. You especially loved playing in Swiss Cottage at the water play area, in the fountains. We also went to the library and played soccer in the park.

Overall, it was a very good year. We're so glad that you're getting old enough to understand things now. You've had a big year, and I think next year will be just as big. I wonder what adventures we'll have?

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