Saturday 1 January 2011


Well, Christmas is over and I think you had a pretty good one. You woke us up at around 8am (which was great...we love sleeping in) and I changed your diaper in your room, while Dad got the tree lights on and the camera ready.

When you came into the living room, you didn't quite know where to look first. You were used to seeing presents under the tree, so I don't think you noticed that there were more. However, you did notice your stocking, with your own can of pringles next to it. You absolutely loved that! You insisted that we open them right away (well you can't really talk yet, but you make a very persistent 'uh uh' type sound). So we did. We also opened some chocolate for you, you loved that all more than anything.

You also loved the stroller we got you for your baby doll/stuffed animals. And you got so excited when you saw Mickey. We had to get him, because you love 'Mimi' so much.

Santa brought you a big stuffed Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch and he also brought you a Little People's play set. You're not that interested in that. Aunt Bek sent you a pink play cell phone. You love playing with it and holding it to your ear and saying 'hello'.

You're just so much fun Mia. Your dad and I loved spending Christmas with you and letting you eat as many sweets as you want. You loved it too, even though it's been hard to get you to start eating apples and rice cakes again!

Merry Christmas sweet girl!

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