Sunday 10 March 2013


Today is Mother's Day here in the UK and you gave me the best present I could ever ask for! In Sacrament meeting today when they called the primary kids up to sing some songs, you weren't quite sure about going up, and to be honest, I didn't think you'd do it. You're only 3 and haven't been in Sunbeams that long, and you're not the most confident kid in the world. But you looked at me and Dad and then hopped off the bench and marched right up to the front with all the other kids. You looked so adorable standing there singing, even though you didn't know the words very well. I almost started crying, I was so proud of you! Dad was about to burst, he was so proud. You looked so comfortable up there and so pretty! I've waited my entire life to have a child of mine sing to me at the front of the chapel and today you made that dream come true.

You also made me a sweet card and you were so excited to give it to me, it was accompanied by a giant hug and a cheerful 'Happy Mother's Day' from you.

I love you so much. The best part about being a mom is being your mom!

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