Sunday 7 April 2013

At Dinner Tonight...

So Daddy has been gone to South Africa for over a week and you and I have been having lots of 'girl time'.

Tonight at dinner you and I were talking about Jesus and how when he died his friends were sad, but then when he came back they were happy. I then told you how Jesus now lives in Heaven with Heavenly Father...we talk a lot about Heavenly Father because sometimes when you pray or someone else does, you're not very reverent. Also you picked up the phrase 'Oh my G-d', probably from school. So lately, we've been having the conversation that when you say that, it hurts Heavenly Father's feelings.

So while talking about this, you said 'Mom, I want to tell Heavenly Father something." I said okay, and then you looked up at the sky and said "Heavenly Father? Thank you for loving me!" and I said that was very nice and made Him happy. Then you looked up again and said 'Heavenly Father! Thanks for being there forever!" and then you looked at me and said 'Aren't I a good girl?'

You seemed pretty pleased with yourself, but I'm not quite sure you were doing everything for the right reasons.

It doesn't stop you from still being the cutest kid on the planet. I love you so much!

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