Tuesday 31 January 2012



Last night you had your first night time babysitter (that you were old enough to remember). Dad and I got tickets to a really cool night time talk show called the Graham Norton Show and we were so excited. We asked a girl in our ward, Abby Tingey to babysit you. You were so excited for Abby to come, you talked about all the things you were going to do with her, like playing Play Doh, choo choo trains, animals and all sorts of fun things.

When she came, you were a little unsure, but apparently you didn't cry and had fun playing. Until bedtime that is. Ever since we moved you into your 'big girl bed' you've not let anyone put you to bed except for me. Not even Dad, and you'd choose Dad over me almost always.

So we told Abby to let you stay up. She said you started to really cry when she put you down, so she let you stay up and you eventually fell asleep about 10pm. After watching videos of yourself on the iPad.

Overall it seems like the night was a success. I hope you're not too grumpy today!

You are getting cuter and cuter every day. I just look at you and want to give you hugs all the time. You're talking so well and you play so cute. You've really started to get into playing with all your little animals. You create very elaborate situations and talk for them and I can't help but listen in to you as you play. You've got such an imagination, I love that! I love that you like to play pretend.

You're still also my cuddly girl. There's not much you love more than to climb up on my lap for a cuddle. Your favorite foods currently are cherry tomatoes (you say "Mia wants to eat them like a ball") cucumbers, daddy chips and anything mint flavored. Also at dinner you'll bypass meat for veg (you especially like peas and broccoli), and you're still a very good eater...when you want to be. You're still very stubborn.

Recently we've hit a few museums. Last weekend we went to the Museum of London Transport. You loved climbing on the trains and big buses. You especially love getting in the driver's seat and pushing all the buttons. You're so cute!

That's it from here.



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