Friday 6 January 2012

Big Girl Bed!

Amelia! Stop growing up so quickly! A couple of days ago we decided to take the sides off your cot and transform your bed into a 'big girl bed' you are so excited to sleep in it! You love it. You kept getting on and off the bed saying 'Mia has a big girl bed'. You even danced around and sang a little song about it. Dad wasn't so sure about you being ready for a big girl bed, but I knew you were ready. You've slept great in it and have had no problems. Dad just wants you to stay his little baby girl forever. I don't blame him.

You're also talking so much! You've got such an imagination. You loved Christmas, you weren't quite sure about opening all the presents, but you sure loved all the toys! This year was dominated by Toy Story. You got a cool light up Buzz from Santa and Woody and Jessie from Grandma and Grandpa Ngai! Grandpa Kinsel sent you a puppet of a bald eagle and you love it. You keep calling it a duck though. I keep correcting you call it 'eagle duck'. You're sure cute.

Lately you've also been saying 'Mia love (fill in the blank). You're exploring this concept of loving things. When we hear the lift for dad coming home from work, you'll say to me over and over 'Mia love daddy, mommy!' And Daddy just loves to hear that. You also say "Mia love Mommy" and "Mia love Jessie" or whatever. It's so cute.

You love to play with your toys, you have such a great imagination. You love dumping out the container holding the toys and placing them on top, you always have them in a certain order.

Lately you've been really cute in saying good bye to things. When we get off the bus you'll shout 'bye bus! Mwah' (or however you make the kissing noise). And lately you've responded for them so you'll say 'bye bus!' and then you'll say 'bye Mia' as if it were the bus saying that. Does that make sense?

You're pretty much the cutest girl in the world and I love you more and more every day. You're so loving and fun. I love being your mom!

Love you!


P.S. You're still into Mr. Bean. You got a GI Joe (except of the British RAF Gunner) for Christmas. It has dark hair and you call him Bean. Your dad and I love it!

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