Saturday 18 October 2014

Clever girl!


We had such a fun family day today. We went to Borough Market and you loved trying all the samples. And sharp eyed kid that you are, you found four coins on the ground! We then went to the Tower of London to see the poppies, placed there for the WW1 memorial. You were in a good mood and didn't complain too much. That always makes for a great day out.

You are still loving school, you just got moved up two reading levels, you're really figuring out how to sound out words and you've gotten 100% on your spelling tests the last two weeks!

You have such a great imagination and you love to play with Jess the Cat and Pluto the (hard plastic) dog. You play such fun games with them. You're still pretty good with Seb, but sometimes you're still rough with him. He loves watching you and he just laughs and laughs.

You still love to snuggle with me and play with dad and we adore you to bits!


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