Friday 4 November 2011

So cute!

Amelia, today you're being so darn cute. Sometimes I just look at you and wonder if it's possible to love you even more than I do. Just when I think my heart is full to the brim with love for you, you do something absolutely adorable that makes me realize exactly what the term 'unconditional love' means.

Today we were coloring. We sat at your little table and I was attempting to color different 'scenes'. One of those was a castle. You wanted me to draw a horse, and I'm not exactly a great artist, so I started trying to draw a horse. You looked at it and said 'baa baa...sheep'! You were so proud that you'd recognized my sheep. So I pretended that's what I was going for all the time. Then I tried another horse. This one looked more horse-like, I know this because you looked over from your drawing and gave me an appreciative 'neigh'. Then I drew a knight (stick figure...of course). You thought that was great. And then you started chattering on and on and I could only catch the words 'sheep' and 'horse'.

Normally I can understand 95% of what you say, but when you get going, sometimes I'm completely lost. But it was obvious you were making up a story about the sheep and horse and castle and you went on and on with such great inflection. You were dead serious explaining it to me and I wish I knew what some of those things you said were.

I love you so much! You're so charming and adorable. It almost makes up for the times when you're not so charming and adorable (okay it totally does).

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Trick or Treat!

Last night we met up with a group from church and went trick or treating! You were so cute. You were dressed up as Minnie Mouse...kind of. You refused to wear the ears and so you basically had a princess type dress on, with a picture of Minnie on it. You still looked adorable!

As usual the streets around SJW were busy, busy. This is the first year you've actually, kind of understood the concept of saying 'trick or treat' and getting candy in return. You didn't like when the doorways were crowded. One house we went to, there happened to be a lull and you were the only one there. You very cutely said 'trick or treat' as only a young adorable child can, and then when they gave you the candy you said 'thank you' just as cutely. They were so entranced, they gave you a second piece of candy...just because you were so darn cute.

You kind of had a meltdown about an hour after we started. A culmination of daylight savings, not wanting to hold hands even when there were cars around, and wanting to eat candy. So we headed home.

Later we found out that Paul McCartney was at his daughter's house on the street next to the one we were on, and he was sitting on the porch and handing out candy. Darn it! That would've been something cool to mark the holiday. At least we hit up Ewan McGregor's house again. Though he wasn't there again...

Anyway, I'm guessing next year you will have a strong opinion as to what you want to wear. I can't wait!