Tuesday 30 November 2010

First Post

Hi Amelia! Because I am horrible at actually writing down things that you do every day in your baby book, I've decided to start your own blog. The idea is to use this to record your antics and then make it into a book every year. So I'm going to try to be very good about writing about all the cute things you do every day.

Right now, you're 18 months old. And you are a stubborn little girl. You can also be very sweet, but when you want something...watch out! I love watching you play, you're so into your stuffed animals lately, you have several of them that you take with you to bed every night and every nap time. Your favorites (this month) are Minnie Mouse, given to you by Grandpa Ngai when you were just four months old. You didn't care too much for Minnie, preferring Pooh and Tigger until we went to Disneyland Paris last month...then you kept pointing out 'Mimi' (what you call her) every time you saw her. Since we've been home from Disneyland, Minnie has been one of your favorites. You also love Iggle Piggle, from the TV show 'In the Night Garden'. It is a very strange show, full of weird characters, but you love it. You watch it right before bedtime, fascinated. And you love your Iggle Piggle doll. You call him 'Igga Pigga'. And you are also really loving 'Meow' which is a giant Hello Kitty doll given to you by Grandma Ngai, and 'baby' which is a baby doll. You're so cute with baby, you feed it a pretend bottle, you burp it and you rock it. You are so cute when you play with your stuffed animals.

You're also learning to speak! It seems like every day you come up with a new word or sound. You're quite the little mockingbird, you love to imitate any sound you hear, whether it's a car honking, turning on the computer or something said on TV. Right now you love to say 'bye bye' to everything. The only way I can get you out of the bath tub, without you throwing a huge temper tantrum, is to say 'Let's say bye bye to the bath' and you'll hop right out, let me put a towel around you and then you'll wave to the water as it goes down the drain. You're a very silly girl.

You are also such a Daddy's girl. You love your Dad more than anything. And he's so good with you. He loves coming home from work and playing games with you. You love to wrestle with him and you especially love to be held upside down by your ankles.

Outside of our home, you're very shy. You don't really like anyone picking you up or touching you without your permission. You also don't smile at strangers very much. Grandma Kinsel says that I was a the exact same way, so it might be hereditary. Right now we're trying to get you to go to nursery during church, but you break down and cry like your heart is broken every time I try to leave you. I would really like you to be a little more outgoing and independent, but you are who you are and your Dad and I don't want to pressure you. I just hope you learn to love nursery soon. I'd love to go to some actual grown up church someday.

Every day we look at you Mia and your Dad and I talk about how much we love you. You're such a joy in our lives and we're both so completely smitten by you. Almost every night we lay awake in bed and talk about the funny things you did or said that day. You're the best thing that either one of us has ever done and we love you more than you know. In fact, you get so tired of our kisses, you often push us away and go play with your toys.

Right now I can hear you in your bedroom, playing. You're supposed to be sleeping! Luckily for your Dad and me, you go down to bed wonderfully (provided you have all of your stuffed friends) and settle down on your own. Lately you've even been sleeping in until 8am. Considering this summer you were waking us up at 6am every morning, 8 feels like sleeping in.

That's it for this post. I'll write again soon!

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