Monday 26 February 2018

I Almost Forgot About This!


What happens when your mom forgets that she started this blog for you? I've recently rediscovered it and I've had so much fun reading about you as a little girl. So here I am, rededicating myself to updating this blog.

Amelia, as I write this, you're 8 almost 9 years old. I seriously can't believe it. How did you get to be so old? What happened to my baby? First of all, I want you to know how much I love you. You're such a sweet and sensitive girl. You still worry a lot and about a lot of things, and your confidence could definitely be stronger...but I wouldn't trade you for the world. You and I are so, so much alike. And we butt head a lot. And I'm sorry. I'm more short with you than I have any right to be. I hope you know how much I love you and I'm trying to be better. I don't want you to be short tempered with the people you love in your life and I can see it happening.

Enough of that, let's catch up! We live in Glasgow, Scotland. We've been here almost 3 years and we're all very happily settled here. You attend Kelvindale Primary School and you've got three really great friends: Molly, Uju and Sofia. I'm so glad you've got good friends who you love to see and play with.

You are such a reader! You read and read! We can't keep up with you books-wise. And you have such an imagination. I love hearing the stories you come up with and getting a peek into your mind. Recently you competed in the Robert Burns' Poetry Competition, you competed against kids from other schools in grades P4-5 and guess what? You got third place over all! I was so proud of you.

You're such a great big sister to Seb and Charlotte, they're so lucky to have you. I'm going to try to update this more, I promise!


Mom (or Mum as you now firmly call me!).

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Such an imagination!

Oh Amelia,

You are so much fun! Part of me wants to freeze you in time, so you can stay this age forever. You have such a great imagination. I absolutely love it. You love to pretend to be a dog, monkey or bird. You also treat your stuffed animals as real people, and you get so into it. My favorite thing is probably Dommit, your invisible reindeer that can fly. You've had him since Christmas and he comes with you to school. You also ride him.

You're also convinced you are a superhero and so cute while doing it. You hate princesses and would much rather be a knight. Thomas is your best friend at Robinsfield and you love your teacher Chloe. We're getting ready to make a big move to Scotland and you're alternately looking forward to having snow on a regular basis and dreading moving away from everything you know and love. You are a very sensitive soul. You love hard, and take things hard. I admit, I am a little worried at how you'll do with this move and I feel a little guilty, as I'm the cause. But it'll be good for all of us in the long run.

You still love cuddles. Yesterday you told me: The best thing for a girl is to cuddle with her nice soft mom.

I love you so much and I'm so proud to be your mom.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Clever girl!


We had such a fun family day today. We went to Borough Market and you loved trying all the samples. And sharp eyed kid that you are, you found four coins on the ground! We then went to the Tower of London to see the poppies, placed there for the WW1 memorial. You were in a good mood and didn't complain too much. That always makes for a great day out.

You are still loving school, you just got moved up two reading levels, you're really figuring out how to sound out words and you've gotten 100% on your spelling tests the last two weeks!

You have such a great imagination and you love to play with Jess the Cat and Pluto the (hard plastic) dog. You play such fun games with them. You're still pretty good with Seb, but sometimes you're still rough with him. He loves watching you and he just laughs and laughs.

You still love to snuggle with me and play with dad and we adore you to bits!


Saturday 11 October 2014

Sharp eyed kid museum

Oh Amelia,

You are such a clever kid! Today you turned your room into a 'sharp eyed kid' museum. It included a ribbon cutting ceremony (which you declared the museum open). Then there were exhibits, each with a sign. As we walked in, there was a sign on the wall saying 'no food or drink'. Then there was an open book with a sign saying 'do not touch'. Then there was a pair of sunglasses which had a sign saying 'sharp eyed kid glasses'. And lastly, there was a postcard of the Fonz, with a paper in front of it (it was propped up), that said 'Mat'. You explained to us that it was a grave of someone named Matt and the card was the headstone.

Dad and I are glad that dragging you to all the museums we do has sunk in a bit!

Clever, clever girl!

Wednesday 9 July 2014


Oh Amelia,

It has been a year since I've updated this! I'm so, so sorry! How I wish I was the type of parent who is super organized and posts something every week. However, I'll try to do better.

We've had such an incredible year. You're almost finished with reception, which is your first full year of school. You have come such a long, long way. This time last year, you'd still cry when I dropped you off for nursery (half day), but now, you just run along. Actually Dad takes you to school in the mornings. He started off doing it temporarily and liked it so much he just kept on doing it. You guys have some great conversations on the walk to school. He tells me you love to show off on your scooter and you talk about all sorts of random things, like things going on at school, how much you love the climbing frame and your friends. And you love school. Your teacher's name is Zara (this school calls the teachers by their first names, I don't quite understand why), Leslie the teacher's aide from nursery is also there, which you love. You're learning so many amazing things. You can write in cursive (almost) and you're learning to read. You also love maths and lunch (in fact you always say lunch is the best thing you did all day). You have some really good friends. You love playing with Elijah and Thomas especially. They think you're the best because you play 'Spiderman' with them...except you're 'Spider girl' who can do the same things, just that you're a girl.

Recently Elijah and another boy Gabriel had an argument over who got to marry you when you grew up. I asked you which one you wanted to marry and you said Gabriel. When I asked why, you said it was because he held your hand and Elijah didn't do that!

You've had a little bit of a harder time friend-wise at church, your best buddy Perry Macfarlane moved to Utah. And your other good friends Simon and Josiah Webster have also moved. Unfortunately you're learning the hard lesson of living in the Hyde Park ward/London, people don't usually stick around more than a few years. Only us, the Dougalls, Phillips and a few other families. However your confidence has grown so much, you're making new friends. I'm so proud of you.

Probably the biggest thing to happen to us is the arrival of Sebastian! You finally have a little brother. And you love him so much. You can make him laugh harder than anyone. Anytime you come into the room, he just watches you and wriggles with excitement. You sometimes love him a little too much and we have to caution you to not pick him up/accidentally kick him/jump on him etc. I think you're just ready for him to get a bit bigger so you can do more things. Don't worry, he'll get there. But you are a fantastic big sister. You're always watching out for him and telling me to do or not do things. I know you're going to continue to look out for him your whole life. He sure is lucky to have you.

Amelia, you're such a joy in our lives. You're five years old and you ask so, so, so many questions. Sometimes I don't even know how to answer them. You're still incapable of doing anything wrong without confessing to it first (usually before I even realize that you've done anything naughty). You're so interested in how the world works and you're getting so friendly with people. It's hard to remember that this is the same kid who wouldn't ever, ever leave my side at the park/church/school. You talk to strangers on the bus/tube and people are enchanted by you. Here's an example of what a conversation with you is like.

Your friend Eva Marriott-Fabre was baptized recently and we attended. Later you asked me if Eva was now a different person. I said no and asked why you thought that. You said that your primary teacher Leigh, said that when a person was baptized, they became a different person. I explained how we make a promise to Heavenly Father and Jesus when you get baptized and your sins are washed away. You asked if the water washed away the sins. I answered 'yes' and then you asked what happened to the next person who was getting baptized, did all of Eva's sins in the water get on them when they got in? I had to hide my laughter when I explained that wasn't exactly how things work. But oh, I love your brain and how it works. I hope you always ask questions!

Since Seb joined us, you and I have butted heads a bit more. I'm very tired (he's the world's worst sleeper, you were much better as a baby) and you have had a few moments of acting out (having a new baby has diverted a lot of attention from you to him, only natural). But I'm happy to say we've come out of it. You still want to give me hugs and kisses all the time and you tell me several times a day that you love me. And I hope you know how much I love you as well. You're such a special girl and every night I thank Heavenly Father that I get to me your mom!

I'm going to get better at this so these aren't so long! Love you kiddo!


Thursday 20 June 2013


Hi Sweetheart,

It's been far too long since I've updated this blog for you. I'm sorry about that kiddo. But we've had a busy time. We're finally expecting a little brother for you! You're so cute, you'll rub my belly and say 'It's okay baby.' and you're so anxious to feel him kick. You'll often place your hand on my belly and say 'Is little brother kicking?' You're going to be such a good sister. You've got so many great plans for him, when he comes. I can't wait to see how you are when he finally makes his appearance. He's due on Halloween, so we'll see when he actually arrives.

You're still loving school, you can now write your name, it looks awesome. You love your teachers, singing and all the classes. You have some good friends and you love playing chase with them during outside time.

One thing you're super into is Ghostbusters. It's the funniest thing ever. You watch the animated cartoon on Youtube and everyday you're a different one. We often play the 'Ghostbuster' game, of which there are several variations. You and daddy have a great time.

Also, for your birthday we took you to Disneyland Paris. You loved it. You're not very much into princesses or fairies, but you love Mickey and Donald. You were so brave and went on all the rides you could, you pretended you were shooting the ghosts on the Phantom Manor ride but your very favorite ride was the Pirates of the Caribbean. You wanted to go on Big Thunder Mountain, but you were too short. Next time, I'm not sure we'll be able to stop you! We had a special dinner with Mickey and Minnie and some of the other characters, they even brought you a birthday cake and sang 'Happy Birthday' to you. It had candles on it and everything. You thought it was awesome, though your pictures would suggest otherwise.

You still have such a great imagination and you're still so very sensitive. I love talking with you and playing with you. You're a beautiful girl, inside and out and I hope you always know that. Dad and I love you so much. I am a little worried about how you'll react when Little Brother arrives, I hope you're not too jealous at having our attention diverted. But I think you'll be just fine.

Love you so much kiddo!


Sunday 7 April 2013

At Dinner Tonight...

So Daddy has been gone to South Africa for over a week and you and I have been having lots of 'girl time'.

Tonight at dinner you and I were talking about Jesus and how when he died his friends were sad, but then when he came back they were happy. I then told you how Jesus now lives in Heaven with Heavenly Father...we talk a lot about Heavenly Father because sometimes when you pray or someone else does, you're not very reverent. Also you picked up the phrase 'Oh my G-d', probably from school. So lately, we've been having the conversation that when you say that, it hurts Heavenly Father's feelings.

So while talking about this, you said 'Mom, I want to tell Heavenly Father something." I said okay, and then you looked up at the sky and said "Heavenly Father? Thank you for loving me!" and I said that was very nice and made Him happy. Then you looked up again and said 'Heavenly Father! Thanks for being there forever!" and then you looked at me and said 'Aren't I a good girl?'

You seemed pretty pleased with yourself, but I'm not quite sure you were doing everything for the right reasons.

It doesn't stop you from still being the cutest kid on the planet. I love you so much!