Monday 26 February 2018

I Almost Forgot About This!


What happens when your mom forgets that she started this blog for you? I've recently rediscovered it and I've had so much fun reading about you as a little girl. So here I am, rededicating myself to updating this blog.

Amelia, as I write this, you're 8 almost 9 years old. I seriously can't believe it. How did you get to be so old? What happened to my baby? First of all, I want you to know how much I love you. You're such a sweet and sensitive girl. You still worry a lot and about a lot of things, and your confidence could definitely be stronger...but I wouldn't trade you for the world. You and I are so, so much alike. And we butt head a lot. And I'm sorry. I'm more short with you than I have any right to be. I hope you know how much I love you and I'm trying to be better. I don't want you to be short tempered with the people you love in your life and I can see it happening.

Enough of that, let's catch up! We live in Glasgow, Scotland. We've been here almost 3 years and we're all very happily settled here. You attend Kelvindale Primary School and you've got three really great friends: Molly, Uju and Sofia. I'm so glad you've got good friends who you love to see and play with.

You are such a reader! You read and read! We can't keep up with you books-wise. And you have such an imagination. I love hearing the stories you come up with and getting a peek into your mind. Recently you competed in the Robert Burns' Poetry Competition, you competed against kids from other schools in grades P4-5 and guess what? You got third place over all! I was so proud of you.

You're such a great big sister to Seb and Charlotte, they're so lucky to have you. I'm going to try to update this more, I promise!


Mom (or Mum as you now firmly call me!).