Wednesday 4 March 2015

Such an imagination!

Oh Amelia,

You are so much fun! Part of me wants to freeze you in time, so you can stay this age forever. You have such a great imagination. I absolutely love it. You love to pretend to be a dog, monkey or bird. You also treat your stuffed animals as real people, and you get so into it. My favorite thing is probably Dommit, your invisible reindeer that can fly. You've had him since Christmas and he comes with you to school. You also ride him.

You're also convinced you are a superhero and so cute while doing it. You hate princesses and would much rather be a knight. Thomas is your best friend at Robinsfield and you love your teacher Chloe. We're getting ready to make a big move to Scotland and you're alternately looking forward to having snow on a regular basis and dreading moving away from everything you know and love. You are a very sensitive soul. You love hard, and take things hard. I admit, I am a little worried at how you'll do with this move and I feel a little guilty, as I'm the cause. But it'll be good for all of us in the long run.

You still love cuddles. Yesterday you told me: The best thing for a girl is to cuddle with her nice soft mom.

I love you so much and I'm so proud to be your mom.