Thursday 20 June 2013


Hi Sweetheart,

It's been far too long since I've updated this blog for you. I'm sorry about that kiddo. But we've had a busy time. We're finally expecting a little brother for you! You're so cute, you'll rub my belly and say 'It's okay baby.' and you're so anxious to feel him kick. You'll often place your hand on my belly and say 'Is little brother kicking?' You're going to be such a good sister. You've got so many great plans for him, when he comes. I can't wait to see how you are when he finally makes his appearance. He's due on Halloween, so we'll see when he actually arrives.

You're still loving school, you can now write your name, it looks awesome. You love your teachers, singing and all the classes. You have some good friends and you love playing chase with them during outside time.

One thing you're super into is Ghostbusters. It's the funniest thing ever. You watch the animated cartoon on Youtube and everyday you're a different one. We often play the 'Ghostbuster' game, of which there are several variations. You and daddy have a great time.

Also, for your birthday we took you to Disneyland Paris. You loved it. You're not very much into princesses or fairies, but you love Mickey and Donald. You were so brave and went on all the rides you could, you pretended you were shooting the ghosts on the Phantom Manor ride but your very favorite ride was the Pirates of the Caribbean. You wanted to go on Big Thunder Mountain, but you were too short. Next time, I'm not sure we'll be able to stop you! We had a special dinner with Mickey and Minnie and some of the other characters, they even brought you a birthday cake and sang 'Happy Birthday' to you. It had candles on it and everything. You thought it was awesome, though your pictures would suggest otherwise.

You still have such a great imagination and you're still so very sensitive. I love talking with you and playing with you. You're a beautiful girl, inside and out and I hope you always know that. Dad and I love you so much. I am a little worried about how you'll react when Little Brother arrives, I hope you're not too jealous at having our attention diverted. But I think you'll be just fine.

Love you so much kiddo!
