Sunday 14 October 2012

School Time!

Amelia! You're such a big girl now! You started school about a month ago and so far, so good. You struggled a bit at the beginning and even now, when I drop you off you try to decide whether or not you want to cry (you almost always decide not to). You still like to just 'sit on a chair and not play with anyone forever!" and they have a special chair for you to sit on, but the teachers tell me you only last for a few minutes before you're up and playing.

This school (called nursery here, but it's basically pre-school) is great, there is so much for you to do and play with! Every day they have several different tables set up with all sorts of fun things to play with. One might have play doh, another might have paints and paper, another legos, and yet another might have dinosaurs and farm toys. Plus there is a great kitchen area, reading area and entire outside area. You are totally spoiled for choice. Everyday I come to pick you up, you run out to me with a smile and show me the book you picked out for us to read tonight.

School has also given you so much more confidence. You're not scared of other kids and even join in playing with kids you don't know at the park. I'm so happy that you're happy. It was very difficult for me to send you to school. I knew it would be good for you, but you're my baby and I didn't want you to leave me! You and I have spent every day together for your entire life, we had a great rhythm and I so enjoy spending time with you. But you're such a clever girl, I knew you'd love it and it would be the best thing for you...and I was right. I still miss you though!

Let's see...what else is going on? Oh, it's almost Halloween and you're so excited to dress up as Woody from Toy Story. Aunt Cyndi sent you a super cute costume and we got you a cowboy hat. The first time you put everything on you kept saying 'howdy howdy howdy' and 'yeehaw cowboy!'

You still love to sing and I find that you're learning lots of songs, because you come home and sing songs that we've never sung together. You still love to make up your own songs and quite often in the bath or when you're playing on your own you'll sing about what you're doing, it's hilarious. I haven't managed to get it on video yet, but I'll keep trying.

As always, you're our joy and Dad and I love you so, so much. You light up our lives and everyday we thank Heavenly Father for letting us be your parents. We love you!

