Wednesday 30 May 2012

Wet Ball!

Amelia: Mommy, my ball is wet! Me: Wet? Is it from your juice? (she'd spilled some earlier and I thought maybe I'd missed wiping part of it up). Amelia: No, it's from my mouth. Good to know kiddo!

Thursday 10 May 2012

This and That have just been so hilarious lately. I'm so loving spending time with you and being your mom. You are super cute. You love to sing and make up some great songs. And you're starting to use such big words! The other day when Dad and I were still in bed, you came into the room, and we said 'Do you want to climb up and cuddle with us in bed?" and you listed off a variety of things you needed to do, which included breakfast, playing with 'George the Monkey', playing on 'Big Pod', playing Happyland and you concluded all of this by saying 'I'm just too busy." I know it might not sound as funny on paper, but it was hilarious. We've been working on potty training you. You'll do almost anything for chocolate chips, but you also have the option of collecting stickers and when you get 10, you get a doughnut (one of your current favorite treats). It's slow going. But you're getting better at telling us when you have to go potty. You've also been doing so well at nursery in church, the last few weeks you haven't even cried. And all the workers say you're such a good example for the younger kids. And you especially love snack time. You're still pretty shy around other kids, you still prefer grown ups. You're super polite and always say 'Yes please' and 'No thank you'. It's super cute. You and Daddy make up such fun games. Your current favorites are 'Cuddle Now' which involves Dad chasing you around the house saying that in a funny voice. You also play 'Eagle duck' which is a puppet of an eagle that grandpa sent you, Eagle Duck involves Dad chasing you with the puppet on his hand. Sensing a trend here? You love being chased. You ask me to chase you several times a day. You also love being tickled. You're such a happy girl, always ready for a laugh. You're also growing up so quickly! You've gotten so tall! I was just noticing the other day that you're becoming all legs. And your hair has such a cute curl to it, you truly are a gorgeous girl. But more important than that, you're clever and you're a hard worker. You love to help clean and do laundry. Another fun phrase you're saying now, is when you are kind of upset you'll look at me (or Dad) and say 'DON'T YOU EVER!!!' But you never complete the sentence (Like don't you ever take my toys etc). It's become kind of a joke now, but we still haven't figured out where you picked that up. You also love saying 'Go Abadas!' when you're excited about something. Abadas is a show on Cbeebies, but you hardly watch it. So I'm not sure why you picked it up as your catch phrase. Today it started raining after quiet time. So we put on your wellie boots, grabbed our umbrellas and headed out to splash in 'muddy puddles' you love doing that. We just walked around our neighborhood for about an hour, jumping in puddles and getting wet. You loved it. You always love any chance you can get to splash around. You've been so great about going to bed lately. You don't even like me to cuddle you much anymore. Which does make me a little sad, that was our time to catch up and talk about the day. But I'm glad you don't cry when I leave you. And as much as you love playing with Daddy, you still only want Mom to put you to bed. Sometimes I love that. Sometimes I'd love for you to let Dad do it. You're such a joy Amelia. I can't believe you're going to be 3 soon. When we ask you what you want for your birthday dinner, you've only said 'apples and oranges', hopefully you give us more to go on! You also still love Mr. Bean and wanted a 'Bean' party. Thankfully you've changed your mind and now want a Postman Pat party. That is much more doable! We are going to have a gathering in the park like last year with all your friends, hopefully you'll play with some of them. Love you baby panda!