Monday 5 September 2011


Hi Amelia,

Boy, it's been far, far too long since I've written on here. I'm so sorry. I'll try to do better. Life has been great and busy. You're very much acting like the 2 year old you are. You are learning to get what you want by throwing temper tantrums if you don't get your own way, your favorite thing to eat right now is 'Daddy Chips' which are any yummy potato chips in a small packet. Daddy usually brings home a bag every day that he gets from work. You love Daddy Chips and they're your favorite reward for doing jobs.

You're talking sooooo much! I can't believe the sentences that you are able to say, you also love singing, your favorite songs are "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "The Wheels on the Bus" you can often be found singing and dancing in the living room at the top of your lungs. You love to dance. You're so cute when you do it. You love music, and you love to dance.

Finally you're getting better about being in nursery at church. You still start crying at the closing hymn of Sacrament meeting and will continue until we get to nursery. Your favorite person in nursery is Pasita, a wonderful Filipino woman who is so great with you. You tend to cry until I leave and then apparently you're as happy as a clam. You always eat a good snack, you play with other kids and you dance every time they have singing time.

We go to the park as often as we can. It's been a very chilly summer. You still don't love playing with other kids. Anytime any other child comes near you, you get worried and run away. I really hope this is something you grow out of. Life can be so much fun when you have friends to play with. You're always very clingy to me at the park, or the store or anywhere you go. While I do love that you love me, it would be nice to see you get a little more independence. You're just a little shy, and there's nothing wrong with that.

We're planning on a big trip to Australia to see Grandma and Grandpa Ngai. Your dad and I are worried about the long, long flight with you. But hopefully we'll pack enough treats and toys to keep you happy. I'm very excited for your grandparents to see you. Grandpa Ngai hasn't seen you since you were 4 months old! We Skype with them every Saturday, but that just isn't the same. You love airplanes now, and you're always spotting them in the sky, so I think you'll love going on a big one. You've been on them before, but you didn't seem to notice them as much.

You still love books. You love to sit on mommy's "bap"(lap) and read book after book. You still love animals. Iggle Piggle is still your favorite stuffed animal, and your love for Minnie Mouse and co knows no bounds. You're starting to get picky about what clothes you wear and you almost always without fail choose to wear one of your three Minnie Mouse shirts. Though you are pretty good about wearing something else if Minnie is in the wash.

Mia you bring so much joy into Dad and my life, we love you so much. I'll be better about updating this, because you're so special, I don't want to let another moment go by unrecorded!
